Monday, July 13, 2009

Thumbs up Hannah Montana - The Movie

Just went to watch Hannah Montana the movie the other day! What are we doing??? We were dragged by our nephews who are on their school holiday to watch it...."okay", we thought maybe we'll see what is the hype all about, for your info: we've never watched Hannah Montana before on T.V, like never! So were quite pleasantly surprised to the comedy aspect of the movie and we now know why she's so popular, Hannah is a great singer who is gorgeous and has a pleasant and humble personality! spoiler....Hannah is actually Miley Cyrus! Haha but I guess all the kids already knew that, and we are the ones who are scratching our heads figuring that out! If you can this funny picture imagine in your heads, we are constantly the ones asking questions to our nephews like: Is the dark haired girl the same girl as Hannah? Is that Hannah's real dad in real life acting with her? (answer is yes). I always thought it's always the other way round when we watch movies.

The movie overall is heartwarming, a little cheesy but that's normal since it's a kid's movie, and funny! It was quite emotional at the end and we felt it....overall given the target market of this movie we say it's a thumbs-up, I think I enjoyed it better than transformers (Oh my God! I can't believe I said that!) Okay, Hannah, Miley whoever you want to be, although we won't be watching your t.v shows as ardently as our nephews, but we have become a fan of you!

By the way, a sneak preview at "Playful Tots", we'll have some of Hannah's clothes and bags on the way for you kids out there in Indonesia...yay! We'll let you know when the items arrive! Now that's the real spoiler! Hehe


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